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Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010

This is what's new for this week on my site:

Journal - you find out what happens when someone decides to jump in Lake Michigan in the dead of winter while I'm running past.

Advice - after tackling the question "what is the best way to eat chicken?" I devote my attention to how to break in to the reality TV scene. If you have any questions that need answering, then post them in the comments of the latest entry.

Stories - Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fat kid in an overpopulated future or how interstellar entities make predictions? If so, then read parts of my book or my short story called predictions.

Book Reviews - I have six books up there so far, and they range from native American fiction to crazy ass science fiction stories. This is more for you if you're looking for new authors to read, or if you have some book suggestions for me.