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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Session 3?

Doodles - mind blowing art that rights universal wrongs. I have a modest four pictures so far with a little story behind each one. Feel free to suggest more little stories/pictures in the comments.

Advice - one brilliant reader asked me four questions ranging from the legal issue of time traveling solely to have sex with yourself to recognizing truth. Remember that no questions on your part mean I'll start giving myself advice again. Yes, that is a threat.

Journal - The government helped me pay my rent and my bike was stolen. Also, you should begin training for the Apocalypse.

Book Reviews - three more books as usual and more already read and waiting for review. I also tried to "monetize" this with ads...

Stories - more stuff from my story about a fat kid in the future will be up tomorrow, and part 2 of my old man and his garden gnome story is still in the works but will be there soon.

Just a note - I only post here when I have something new for all five sites, but that doesn't mean that it happens all at once. If you like one of the sites, then follow it to get more up to date updates! Oh yeah, there's another poll question to your right about aliens (oral sex beat cheese in the last poll - scroll down to see past polls). If you've read this far, then turn around. I'm standing there to give you your hug.