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Monday, April 11, 2011


A new bit is up about snipers in Miami. It's dark? I'm working on another one about Pierre/Winston/PW, a bird that lived next to the pink mansion and was the inspiration for my tattoo and more carefree times in Miami. I'll try to post a picture of the tattoo on my doodles page once I find a way to hook up my camera to the netbook that doesn't involve pulling out my SD card with a pair of tweezers.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2011 Trip!?!?

The April trip from Miami to Boston is underway - I'll be trying to keep up with parts of that in the Journal, although I'm already several posts behind. I'm staying another week in Miami because I love this area and still need to get the first part of my tattoo as well as look at places to live. I put my Stories tab back up - so far there's just one short story up about a professional spammer forced to write poetry. Whether you're a crunchy or creamy kind of peanut butter person, thanks for reading.