Jeezus - I've learned so much and still have so far to go (rejoining the human race, right?). Anyway, I'll be trying to write it down in the journal and commit it to memory, since there is now a plus two-week blank spot....
This is my attempt to finally create a cohesive website, one that I don't lose interest in after a week or a few days. You might be able to tell that I have a lot of free time. If you ever find yourself in the same position, then pay me a visit and check out my shit!
Right now I have four things going: doodles, a comic strip, a journal, and book reviews. You should be able to access these all on the above tabs. If you don't know how to use the back button on your internet browser, then each of these sites should have links back to the other four sites. The posts on this homepage are to let you know when I've posted something new on the other sites.