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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I'm not starting anything that hasn't been started before, but perhaps I can get away with saying that I've restarted what has been started before to see what new starts may arise.

I guess that means that, after getting back from California and spending the last two weeks with my parents in Tennessee, I'm ready to start traveling again. Plans include Chicago (MegaBus runs from Memphis to there!), Detroit, and then a two-week, semi-cross-country extravaganza with a person I met on the way to New York and whatever other friends may come along.

There's more stuff in the Journal section (there's usually a new post about every week or so). I put two more short, short pieces in the Stories section, since I'm experimenting with those while trying to get published (people may be more likely to read your work when it's super-short). Doodles and Reading have fallen on the wayside for the moment (I need to find a scanner for more pictures, and I've been too lazy to dig up and post some of my older annotations).

My Twisted Tale project has come to a screeching halt since the end of May, but that's fine, since I'm moving that site to WordPress, where I may have more capabilities for what I want to do. However, I still won't pass up the chance to make you feel guilty for not yet contributing if you haven't yet done so. Yeah, I hope you feel rotten, because when you think about it, we're all just rotting anyway to different degrees. Well, I've said my uplifting piece for the day - see you in cyberspace, fellow space cadets.

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